20 March 2009

Busy Week!

I have been incredibly busy this week and therefore neglected the blog. I will try to catch up now. I went to Sam's on Monday but there were issues again, so I had to leave all the groceries there and pick up the things we needed for dinner that night at Winn Dixie. The Sam's stuff is supposed to be sorted out by this Monday, but for this past week I've gone to Winn Dixie every day. (The plus to this is that Winn Dixie is about 2 min. from the village whereas Sam's is about 30.) I caught up on most of the paperwork. I did have to email some of last week's volunteers to see if some of it stowed away in their luggage. I'm still hearing back from them, so that should be taken care of soon.

Tuesday was a bad day because Louisville called me and (without any leadup or context) told me I was authorized to use my credit card (which, incidentally, I don't have yet) to buy groceries at Wal-Mart and Winn Dixie, that I was to make sure the volunteers got enough food and they shouldn't go hungry, and that I was not to discuss PDA policies/problems with volunteers. That was the entire conversation. I hung up very confused. A little while later Leslie called and we got everything sorted out. Apparently, what happened was one volunteer called the main Louisville office and said something about not having enough food and another volunteer was trying to raise money to buy food. This was the first I'd heard of any of it. And it was ridiculous because there was plenty of food, no one was being shorted in any way. Anyway, we got it all straightened out, but it took an entire day.

Thursday Jen got in. She is the new Olive Tree manager. So I'll be here for two more weeks to show her the ropes. She seems super nice and I think she'll be a great fit here. Thursday was also Neighbor Night which is when we invite the homeowners over to Olive Tree for dinner. We had a fair turnout for that which was nice.

Today began at 4:30. There were a couple volunteers leaving, so I got up to make sure they could open the gate (sometimes the lock sticks) and see them off. I tried to go back to sleep for an hour, but didn't fall back asleep, so then I got up to see the Clemson group off at 6. I stayed up to help set up breakfast and lunch stuff. After the volunteers left for the worksites, I hopped in the shower, then ran over (not literally ran - I drove my truck...I know you were thinking it dad!) to the optometrist place to pick up my new glasses. So I now have reading glasses. The frames are red. I'll post a picture once I have a good one, but I left my camara in TN so you'll have to wait two more weeks. Christi and Mary came by the village to show Jen how to do the DRD and finance stuff. Jen and I had lunch and then I retired to the trailer for a nap. I slept for about an hour and a half, but I could have slept much longer. The MI group mowed the grass for us which is great because it desperately needed cut. They were actually excited about mowing the grass. They've been talking about it all week and couldn't wait to have grounds duty. I was excited that they were excited! : ) Everyone went out for dinner tonight and one of the groups invited me to go with them. (They invited Jen also, but she opted to stay here and settle in.) So we went to dinner in the French Quarter and then wandered around a little. Now I'm stalling a little before locking the gate because I don't think everyone's back yet. But it's not a big deal if they get locked out because they all know the combination so they can let themselves in. So I'm going to go shut the gate and then go to bed. Hopefully there won't be bikers racing up and down the main road all night tonight.

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