01 March 2009


I didn't see much of the workshop, but what I did see was very cool. The alphabet therapy takes two adults (at least when the kid is first learning); one to present the card choices and one to manage behavior. So the person with the cards will hold up two choices (for example a green card and a yellow card) and will say "Pick green." If the kid picks the right one, everyone claps and makes noises (because the kids really like that) and they put one penny in the container. If the kid picks the wrong one, the person holding the card says "That's yellow, pick green" until the kid picks the right one. Once the kid has 5 pennies in the container, they get to play with a favorite toy for a short time and they get a sticker. Once they get 5 stickers (or 10 or however many the goal was) then they are done with their session and they get to go play. So I got to watch a little of it, but most of the time I was either reading or playing with Louie.
While we were there it started snowing, but it wasn't sticking. By the time we were ready to drive home, it was sticking and was coming down fairly hard. We could still see the street lines (barely) but we couldn't see any of the road signs because the wind was blowing the snow against them and the snow was caking up. Luckily it lightened up after the first hour and turned into rain, so it was much easier to drive.

1 comment:

jazziestar said...

I can't imagine snow right now! It's so warm and sunny here. :)

I love sunshine and feel spoiled by New Mexican weather.

I've always wanted to see Tennessee, though, and I'd put up with the snow just for the chance to do that.