The lake as seen from our campsite.

Putting the tent up.

Making/waiting for the chicken to be done.

Making sandwiches.

Playing with glowsticks.

Playing cards, swatting mosquitos, and cleaning up.

Hanging out and eating lunch in the tent. (It was the rainy day.)

Playing with fire.

Me and Joe.

Determined to get the fire going despite the wet wood.

Playing in the rain.

Me playing cards and resting.

Joe and I sleeping.

Emma and Sean blinded by the flash and me hiding from the plethora of biting bugs.

Matt, Joe, Cameron, and Sean playing hacky sac.

Our fire. (Or one of them at any rate.)

A rather blurry picture of me. I guess I was moving when Stephanie took it.

Cameron with a fohawk and Sean cooking on the fire.

Emma (Stephanie's roommate) and Joseph.

Emma rolling up her sleeping bag.

Joe putting sunscreen on Cameron's back. Then Cameron and Matt rubbing against each other because Joe used way too much on Cameron so he was trying to rub some of it off on Matt.

The guys tossing a ball around.

One of the citranella candles that seemed to do very little at keeping bugs away.

Sleeping on the way home.
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