04 April 2009

Team William

So I realize I've been neglecting the blog again and I apologize!

Monday we made a Sam's run and stopped by Pearlington and Tuesday we drove down to Houma. Jen wanted to see what some of the other camps look like since Olive Tree is different. We got a little lost in Houma (completely my fault!) but we got to meet the Houma managers. They took us to lunch at a chicken finger place. We also stopped by an animal shelter because Jen wanted to look at a dog there.

Wednesday we went to look at a different shelter, but couldn't find it. We tried again Thursday when we picked up our Sam's order and found it. The dog Jen had gone to see was a mama and the pup (about a year old) was more mellow than the mom so Jen took her home instead. Turns out the dog gets motion sick (not a good thing since we had a long drive home!) We got back, had a quick lunch and then headed for the airport. There must be an unbreakable law somewhere that says anytime Julia flies, something has to go wrong. The plane had no problem taking off, but landing was another story. It had been raining very hard (both in NO and TN). There was some turbulence on the flight (the captain had the flight attendants sit down and buckle up for most of the flight) and when we reached Nashville, they couldn't land immediately. They circled around a few times hoping to land, then announced we were going to fly north for a little while and circle back later. So we did. Coming back, we were flying through lightening. There wasn't really any rain (I guess we were too high up for that) but there were flashes of lightning going off around the plane. It was beautiful to watch, but also nerve wracking. Lightning is definitely more fun to watch from the ground. We finally landed but couldn't pull into the gate yet because another plane was in our gate. So we waited for about 10 min. and then they moved us to another gate. So the flight was twice the length it was supposed to be, but we made it safe and sound.

I slept in a little yesterday, ran a couple errands, and lazed around the house. Today I got up early (but not as early as I was in NO). TJ, Louie and I went on a walk to raise money to teach kids with Down Syndrome how to read. The girl who organized it has a brother named William so she called the walk Team William. This afternoon I'm going with Donna (who is Louie's aid at school). She started a club for at risk girls to get together once or twice a month. Today they're going to dye eggs and donate them to a church. So I'm going to help her out a little.

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