24 April 2009

Surprise, Surprise - I Got Lost Again.

So yesterday I went to work with TJ as usual. She had a meeting with a research patient, so she left. When it was time for me to leave for the tutoring, I realized she still had the car keys with her. She said I could come pick them up, so I left for the building (which I'd been to for the first time that morning). I was very proud of myself because I was able to walk straight to the building. I was imagining calling home: "Guess what dad, I didn't get lost!" What's that phrase...don't count your chickens before they hatch? Surely you've figured it out by now, but I did get lost. I found the building without any problems. Finding the room in the building proved much harder. None of the doors I saw looked like the one I'd gone in that morning. When I came to the last door, I followed two ladies in. It put me on a staircase, but since I remembered going up (or maybe it was down?...) the elevator I went ahead. They were going into a key access only door on level 3, saw me and asked if I was going in there too. I tried to explain where I wanted to go and they sent me in what they thought was the right direction. So I took the elevator down to level 1, found someone at a desk who looked like they worked there and asked them. They sent me to the basement. Once I was there I asked yet another person who took me to a different section of the basement. Someone else down there called the researcher in charge of the study to see if she could find out where TJ was. Eventually I gave up and went back to the office to wait for TJ. The sad thing is I knew it was in the Research building, I knew it was room 3211, I knew the kid was there for an overnight EEG sleep study, and I knew the name of the head researcher, but none of that helped! So that was my adventure yesterday.

TJ and I are getting ready to leave work. The twins have a lacrosse game this afternoon that's about a half hour away. We (TJ and I) are picking up Louie and snacks and meeting them at the game. After the game, the twins and I are going to go the the MBA...well I don't know what it's called, but they're performing several one act plays. (MBA is the boys school that is the sister school - so to speak - of Harpeth Hall which is the girls school the twins go to.) So that should be lots of fun.

The bees seem to be doing well. (I am relying on Dave's impression of them. I haven't actually been out to see them yet.) They have already eaten the queen out of her sugar encasing and are going through large amounts of sugar (apparently you have to stock them with sugar/sugar water for the first few days/weeks).

One of the ducks have disappeared. The prime suspect is the large coyote seen running through the field a couple days ago.

The fish are doing well, however we discovered that two of them need aerated water, so there is a straw stuck in the bowl and everyone blows bubbles into it whenever they walk by.

Dave has a large vase of pond...life. There are tadpoles, leeches, weird water bugs/spiders that swim around, and some dirt and algae. It really looks quite disgusting. Dave insists the leeches aren't leeches, but everyone else thinks they are (you can see the suckers). TJ suggested testing Dave's theory by having him stick his hand in the water and hold it still for several minutes; If they bite, they're leeches, if they don't, they're not. Dave didn't seem anxious to try it. I don't know if anyone had thought about swimming in the pond before now, but they definitely aren't anymore!

And this is a picture of me wearing the scarf from Rojbin's mom.


jazziestar said...

Haha! It sounds like getting lost was not your fault, but the result of poor guidance from people in the building. Which is kind of even funnier.

Julia said...

Ironic isn't it? The staff didn't know any better than I did.