02 December 2008


I slept on the couch and it was quite comfortable. When I got up I got my shower stuff out of the trailer and took a loooong, hot shower. It felt so good.

I spent several hours today doing DRD stuff for Megan. She is several weeks behind because she is trying to do her job and Colleen's. I didn't mind doing it for her, because it gave me something useful to do. I didn't get it finished, but I got a lot of it done. While I was working on that, she took a shower. There was a little garder snake in there. She really dislikes snakes. She yelled and I looked up to see her standing in the doorway of the office, wrapped in a towel. (That was when she informed me there was a snake.) From her reaction I'd half thought it was a rather large snake, but it was a tiny little thing. So I picked him up and released him at the back of the camp where there are some bushes and he isn't as likely to be found. The poor little guy was just looking for somewhere warm to stay. It was quite cold outside today.

Anyway, later this afternoon we refilled the propane tanks. (Megan's were almost out too.) Then we both retreated to our trailers for some down time. The volunteers are on a tour with a couple of the Project Homecoming people and then they're going out to dinner, so Megan and I will basically have the evening to ourselves.

I had more fancy ramen stuff for dinner. Megan and I had a bit of cookie dough for dessert. Now I am back in the trailer. (I have heat! Yay!)

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