01 December 2008

Ice Box

I slept through my alarm this morning, so I did not make it to Olive Tree in time for orientation. When I did get there, I sat in the office for a while and chatted with Megan as she checked and respond to her emails (since Colleen left, she has to check both hers and Colleen's). We had some fancy ramen noodles for lunch then went to the Project Homecoming office. (Project Homecoming is the group that plans the worksites in New Orleans.) Megan and Sue made sure they had all the skill sheets for the groups coming in over the next few weeks. Then Megan and I went to Winn Dixie. She realized she didn't have her credit card in her pocket, so she went to get it from the truck. It wasn't in the truck, so she went back to camp to get it. It wasn't there either, so she called Leslie who called Louisville who cancelled the card. She picked me up from Winn Dixie and we put the groceries on hold. I got my card out of the trailer and we went back and bought the groceries with that. We have a fifty dollar limit and it cost $49.11, so that was perfect. We put all the groceries away and Megan checked her email again. Then we both retreated to the trailers for a little bit before dinner.

My trailer is an ice box. It is about 55/60 degrees because it is completely out of propane. It's supposed to get down to 30 tonight, so I think I will sleep on one of the couches in the main building. The building is heated and the couches are very squishy and comfortable, so that should work well.

Wilf and Kyra stopped by to give Megan and me milage books for our trucks. We have to enter our milage for the day, when and where we get gas, and any maintenance stuff. So he gave us those and then Megan and I sat in the office and chatted for a while before dinner.

Dinner was pretty good. We had 'burgers and 'dogs. And Megan and I made some cookies out of pre-made batter we found in the freezer. Though we had to figure out how to light the pilot on the oven first. After that, I went back to my trailer and called home. Now I'm sitting in the building listening to the volunteers talk about their day. Once they leave I'll set up a make-shift bed on the couch (I brought a couple blankets, a pillow, and my pjs with me). For now I'll piddle around online and read my book a little. Hopefully they will feel inclined to go to bed soon because I am very tired. But I am doubting this a little because they are watching a football game and it doesn't look like it's going to end soon. Oh well.

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