30 November 2008

Change of Plan

I didn't do a whole lot today. I had pumpkin cake for breakfast. I picked up a couple things from the store. I did a load of laundry so I will have clothes for this week. I was going to be going back to Luling, but that plan was changed. Jessi will go to Luling and I will go to Olive Tree to keep Megan company. She has ten volunteers this week. And since Colleen left, she's the only one there. I reminded Leslie of how easily I get lost, so me driving around New Orleans was not such a great idea, but she solved that by having me ride with Megan to the worksites. So I guess that will be that.

This evening I went to see the movie Australia. It was very good. There were a couple rather cliche/predictable parts, but it was a good movie. While I was in the movie, Megan called to see when I was getting to Olive Tree. She called Jesse and Leslie to see if either of them had heard from/seen me. They both called me. Everyone was getting really worried. I called them all back after I got out of the movie. I explained I had been under the impression I was supposed to go to OT in the morning, so I had gone to a movie tonight. Everyone was very glad I wasn't driving around lost.

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