26 November 2008

Catch Up

Sorry it took me a while to get the posts up for the last three days. Houma (where we were sleeping) doesn't have wireless. They have little cards that plug into your computer. Except they don't fit my computer. So I had no internet for a couple days. So now you will just get to read several days at once. Lucky you! : )

Today was longer than yesterday. I'm sooo tired right now. We left here just before 8 so we were already working by 9. We got the last nine pods down. We took apart the duct work so it was in small enough sections it can be moved to Texas. We folded and wrapped all the cots that were in the dining tent. There were quite a lot of them. Then we picked up a lot of the rivet and button pieces. We didn't get all of them, but I think it's fair to say we got most of them. We left Luling around 4:30. No rain today. It was cool and sunny. Perfect weather for taking down pods!

Also, there were two women and eight children running around today (well, the kids were running around). They are on their way to Texas and the church let them park their rv their overnight. They gave us some fresh apples that were absolutely delicious! They left around 2. I think I will be coming back on Monday, but I have to talk to Leslie about that first. I don't know why I wouldn't, but I have to get the official go ahead anyway. Now we're going to make dinner. Which is mostly heating food up. We're going to have gumbo and biscuits and assorted veggies. And I am so looking forward to it. I am starving.

Dinner was good. It was just the four of us (me, Kyra, Wilf, and Mary) again, but it was nice. I really do like working and hanging out with them. They're a lot of fun. Apparently Megan is coming down tonight so she can help with the roof project (15 roofs in 5 days) but we haven't heard from her yet. She was planning on staying in a pod, but Kyra said she could stay in her trailer with us. (She calls me roomie now. It's funny.)

Today Kyra was talking about her allergy to peanuts (she is deathly allergic, like if the person next to her is eating peanut butter, she'll break out and if she touches it, she goes into anaphylactic shock) and she said one time some volunteers made peanut butter cookies and she was cleaning up and she picked them up before she realized they were peanut butter, so she went back to the trailer and gave herself two epi pens and went to bed. In the morning the guy who was sharing her trailer ("I slept on one end and he slept on the other. We were in the middle of a disaster, nobody cared then. That was before all this sexual harassment stuff.") woke her up asking (very loudly...) what the hell had happened. She said she woke up and said "What? Morning? We going to Sams?" She said there was also a time when she had gone for a couple days and while she was gone some volunteers anointed everything in the camp with peanut oil and the village manager was running around behind them saying "No! Stop it! You're going to kill Kyra!"

Megan arrived. And realized she brought her left sneaker and right black shoe. We laughed about that for a while. She's wearing them tomorrow just so she can be the story of the day.

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