16 November 2008


It has been cold this weekend. : (

When I woke up, I discovered the heater had not been running. The trailer was like an ice box. I was buried under 4 blankets and wearing two sweaters. And still cold. I think the heater was just out of propane because when I switched it to the other tank it started working. So hopefully that will not happen again.

After I finally convinced myself I could get up, I went to my trailer and put on my leg warmers and a long sleeve shirt. Then I put on my regular clothes over that. I went to a Waffle House (there's pretty much one every block) for breakfast. I had a strawberry waffle. Then I came back and started a load of laundry and hunkered down under the blankets again. I made an egg sandwich for lunch and moved the laundry. I also sort of went through the paperwork from this week. I still have to do the DRD stuff, but everything else (I think) is taken care of.

I picked up a pizza from Papa Johns for dinner. Then I spent a while cleaning the trailer. I found extra shower curtains in the office, so I changed the curtain because it was getting all moldy and really very gross. I put all the puzzle glue and unsolved puzzles in one cabinet. I washed the sheets. I cleaned off the couch and the counter by the door. I swept the floor. I'm sure it will not last, but it looks much neater.

Two more days until my birthday! Three days until Chris comes home!

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