22 September 2008

Day Four

Today was a relatively slow day. Henry and I sorted and organized the office a little bit. It still needs work, but at least it is usable now. Then I helped him organize the tool shed. It wasn't as messy as he thought, so it only took us a few minutes. While we were doing that, Buddy cleaned the kitchen and dining tent. We decided to have a lunch break and Buddy cooked burgers on the grill. (They were the frozen kind, but they were pretty good.) There were no buns, so we used garlic bread, which turned out well. After that I went back to the office and cleaned it. There was so much dust in there! I used fantastic on all the desk/table tops, appliances, shelves, mail slots, chairs, window sills. Basically, if it wasn't moving, I cleaned it. I also straightened up as I cleaned so it looks more spacious and organized. After I finished all of that (this is for you grandma) I used windex to clean the floor. Then I showered and took my laundry over to the fellowship hall to wash it. It is still in the dryer because it was raining and I didn't want to walk through the rain with it.
Buddy said I already have the reputation of a hard worker. Apparently Henry said so too. Which is nice, though I'm not entirely sure I've earned it. Not that I'm not working, it's just that a lot of the time I feel like everyone else is working so much harder than I am. But it doesn't really matter. I do what I can and do my best to do it well.

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