22 September 2008

Day Two

Colleen and Jane left for Olive Tree this morning. Chris is staying for a week or so. Chris and I went to Pearlington again today. I learned how to use a pressure washer and Lisa and I used them to clean the tent walls. Then we hung the walls. Then rehung the walls because we'd put them in the wrong place to begin with. The tent still needs to be bolted down. (Hopefully this will be done correctly the first time, unlike the rest of the tent.) After doing the tent, I helped Chris dig a trench. He used the jackhammer to break up the concrete and I used a shovel (and my hands) to pull the pieces out. It was really hot outside! By the time it was finished, it was about 3:30, so we discussed who will be where tomorrow and what they will do. Buddy, Chris, and I will be staying in Orange Grove. Buddy and Chris are going to mow the grass (though Chris just told me he already did part of it) and I will help a woman clean out the fellowship hall of the church. There's going to be some sort of memorial service on Saturday, so we need to store all of our stuff (cases of water bottles, m&m's, MREs, boxes of PDA T-shirts) in the back room. Then we need to sweep/mop and wipe down counters and such. Buddy and I will likely be doing some grocery shopping since we don't have food for the group coming in on Sunday. I still don't have internet here, but I have figured out how to access it on my blackberry, so I can check my email, which is nice. This evening Chris came over again to ask if I would put lotion on his back. (He got pretty badly sunburned yesterday and today.) So I did and then we talked about what music I had. (He approved of most of it, which made me happy) He also recommended some songs and bands. He brought his ipod so he could charge it (He has lost his charger cord.) and we talked about his music too. I also showed him how to do sudoku. He had the general idea before, but now it's better. We solved a couple together. Actually we only solved one but we did three puzzles. We kept messing up, but couldn't figure out where. It was fun though. He's cool and I'm glad he'll be here at least a couple more days.

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