04 October 2008

Cat In Sink

The volunteers left around 7:00 this morning. I did not get up early enough to see them off. Buddy did some more mowing. I fixed the doors on three of the pods. I did laundry, worked on the puzzle a tiny bit, and took a nap. Some of this week's volunteers got here tonight, so we introduced ourselves to them. Heather made box mac & cheese for dinner. But it was the good kind of box mac & cheese. Chris and I downloaded some more music to put on his ipod. Then we went to see Frank about Joe. Frank is leaving tomorrow and we will have Joe until Wednesday or Thursday. Frank said Joe likes to go to the ocean, so we will probably do that sometime this week. (Yay!)

Star is currently sleeping in my sink.

And this is me and Chris in my trailer working on the puzzle.

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