21 October 2008


This morning I went to the main office and Christi showed me how to enter volunteer hours into DRD. It isn't hard, but it is rather tedious. I started on it at about 9:30 and was there until almost 1:00. Then I went to Wal-Mart to get some stuff for tonight and Sam's to pick up an order. We got everything put away and then I had to go to Winn Dixie to get a couple more things they needed for tonight. When I got back I helped Wilf, Chris, and Buddy load pods into a moving truck. Wilf and Chris are going to take them to Houma. I think Chris said they'd go down to Houma Monday and stay there until it's rebuilt. I hope it doesn't take much more than a week. I will miss him. But that's okay. Anyway, I got pretty dirty doing that since the pods had been sitting on the ground and were all wet from being rained on. So after we finished I took a shower. Then I had to go to Winn Dixie again to get more stuff for dinner.

Christi sent me an email thanking me for doing the DRD stuff and saying I'd worked really hard and she cc'd it to Leslie and Henry. Leslie replied saying ditto. Which was very nice of them, since it's my job to do it.

Dinner was tacos. After dinner Chris got the fire going and a bunch of us sat out there and the volunteers made s'mores and everyone was telling stories and jokes and it was a lot of fun. I figured out how to turn on the heater in my trailer which will be very nice. And now it is bedtime.

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