31 October 2008


If anyone can get together a group of 3 (must be 18 or older) to come down and volunteer please do so! We have five villages here in Mississippi and Louisiana and three of the five are very slow until March. So we really need volunteers for the winter months. You can register online on the pcusa website http://www.pcusa.org/pda/teams.htm.

It has not been as cold as it was at the beginning of the week. Two days ago I was digging stuff out of the storage trailer. I (of course) needed something from the very back. And (of course) there was no way to get to the very back. So I spent a good 40 minutes rearranging boxes so I could get back there. And then putting them all back so I could get out. I'm sure it would have been quite amusing to watch me. I did at one point drop a slightly heavy box on my head, but it didn't hit hard and I am rather hard-headed, so it wasn't too bad.

We are having many problems with Sams. The direct deposits are not going through and they won't take our credit cards, so we are having to get everything from Wal-Mart for now. But our credit cards are about to be maxed out, so hopefully the Sams thing will be sorted out soon.

I spent most of this morning driving around. I went to the Salvation Army warehouse with Leslie to pick up some mold blaster and some kilz. (Kilz is a mold-retardent primer.) They gave us an entire palette of mold blaster (36 buckets that hold 3 gal. each) and five buckets of kilz (5 gal. each). I dropped Leslie off at camp and we took out a couple buckets to leave here. I took the rest of them to Pearlington, because a lot of the houses they are working in right now have mold. I got there about lunch time, so I went with Mike to the Methodist Church just down the street that serves hot lunches for volunteers every day. They had salad, potato salad, rice, green beans, mac & cheese, cornbread, catfish, garlic bread, and assorted desserts. It was pretty good.

Chris, Mary, Wilf, and Kyra come back from Houma tonight.

There is a wasp flying around in my window. It is making me very nervous.

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