27 October 2008


The snow leopard puzzle is complete! Behold!

Yesterday Chris, Wilf, and Mary W. left for Houma (a village in Louisiana near New Orleans). They will be living there this week while they rebuild. They have a bunch of volunteers helping, so they are hoping to be done by Friday.

We had a staff meeting this morning. Then Ms. Sally (Our cook for the week. Three cheers for Ms. Sally!) and I went to the grocery store. We had lunch and then I headed over to the main office. I spent three hours there entering volunteer hours into DRD. I get to go back tomorrow to finish up. But it shouldn't take as long tomorrow. I'm almost done.

A little bit of a cold front came in. We have a frost warning for tonight. We also discovered that we are out of kerosine which is what we use in the heaters for the pods. We only have enough to run them tonight, but it's going to be cold all week. And apparently no one in Mississippi sells kerosine, so it has to be ordered from Louisiana. But we have a tank of diesel coming in tomorrow which is close enough to kerosine that we can use it to run the heaters.

Buddy is going to school to get a degree in oil refining. He has gotten a job/internship (I can't remember which) offer. He's pretty much been accepted for it, he just has to pass this special test that he's taking tomorrow. So he's been studying like crazy. I'm sure he'll do fine. He's been getting A's in all his classes and most of the tests he's taken he's gotten 90% or better. So he's worrying a little, but I have no doubt he'll ace it.

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