This is the house blessing song:
Bless this house, O Lord we pray,
Make it safe by night and day...
Bless these walls so firm and stout,
Keeping want and trouble out...
Bless the rood and Chimneys tall,
Let thy peace lie overall...
Bless this door that it may prove,
Ever open to joy and love...
Bless these windows shining bright,
Letting in God's Heavenly light,
Bless the hearth, the painting there,
With smoke ascending like a prayer!
Bless the folk who dwell within,
Keep them pure and free from sin...
Bless us all that we may be,
Fit O Lord to dwell with thee...
Bleus us all that one day we may dwell,
O Lord! With Thee!
And these are a couple pictures from it.
The man on the far right is one of the volunteers that worked on the house. The woman with the cane is the one that led the singing. The other two are the house owners.
Chris and I were late to dinner, but we made it in time for dessert. Since there were only about 10 people here for dinner, the cooks had made it a little fancier. It was a candle (lamp) lit dinner. The made chicken tetrazzini and salad and cherry pie and some sort of custard pie. They brought it out in courses. As I said, we missed dinner, but desert was delicious! While we were there a couple of the volunteers came back and one of them had two pieces of fried catfish from Catfish Charlie's that they gave to Chris, so we shared those. Very good.
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