14 October 2008

The Hulk

When I woke up this morning, I had a huge kink in my neck. It's still there, but it's loads better than it was this morning.

Jessie took my truck today. : ( I was very sad. They should give her a truck of her own. So I had to borrow Buddy's truck to go to my doctor's appointment and Sam's. The doctor's appointment was fine. The nurse took my temp, weight, height, etc. then the doc checked my heart, ears, throat, etc. then another nurse came in and stuck me with a needle. That was it. But getting out of the parking lot was insane. The rows were a little too close together. There was a truck parked directly behind me. I had to pull forward and backward (I'm not exaggerating) about 20 times to be able to get out without hitting either the truck behind me or the car next to me. It was ridiculous.

Anyway, I came back to the village, made a sandwich, then went to Sam's. I took one of the volunteers with me. (She volunteered to go.) It was an even bigger truckload than the one I got the other day. We put everything away and I went to my trailer to take a nap. I slept a little and read a little and then went to dinner (which was chicken fajitas. mmmmmm!). Chris and I worked on the new puzzle for a while. Then I read some more of my book and went to bed.

This is the Hulk puzzle.

This is the anime puzzle.

This is what we've done of the snow leopard puzzle.

And this is what we've done of the other puzzle.

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